Thursday, July 10, 2014

Should I Get Tested for Celiac Disease?

My answer is: maybe. Yes, that's giving it to you straight. Without more specifics, that's the best I can do. haha!

Okay, the fact is, only you can decide. There are reasons for and reasons against.

1. Have you stopped eating gluten?

This is probably the biggest barrier to testing. If you have NOT been tested and are still eating gluten, but you've done a very short elimination diet, and you definitely want to be tested, KEEP EATING GLUTEN! Get tested ASAP, so if you test positive, you will know your tests are accurate and you can be well on your way to healing.

If you have stopped and have stopped for a while, more than a couple of weeks, check with your doctor, but you will likely have to go back on gluten before you can be tested and expect good results.

2. Will having a celiac diagnosis increase my insurance, or keep me from getting insurance?

I have no idea. I think the ACA is trying to keep that from happening. An increase may be more likely than prevention from getting insurance.

3. What are the benefits to having a proper diagnosis, complete with endoscopy and colonoscopy?

There are several. For one thing, you can add support to your gluten free lifestyle, and more effectively garner support from family members and medical practitioners who may think you're doing the diet for kicks.

Another is that you'll have a baseline and can monitor your healing and the effectiveness of your dietary habits.

Note: I expect this list to grow in time. Please pardon my dust. :)

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