Monday, June 23, 2014

Celiac Disease and Cold Sores

Well, this is my current situation, and so, I thought I would write about it.

The summary to this post, in case you're in a hurry: Cold sores SUCK!!!! (We don't say "suck"...but they do.)

Cold sores, or fever blisters, are not caused by having a cold or fever. They are caused by the Herpes Simplex Virus I (HSV-1). Other Herpes viruses include genital herpes and chickenpox. They also have similar mechanisms. A recurrence of cold sore or shingles or other outbreaks tend to happen when your immune system is looking the other way, or you are immuno-compromised, ie. being treated for cancer or you have immuno-deficiency. Here's a link with further details about Oral Herpes:

I'm writing this within the 72-hour period. I still have occasional tingles and itches and wicked nerve...zzzeerrrabbsz, followed by even more itches. I have swollen lymph nodes at my jaw on the same side, under my chin, and at my elbows. There is some mad immune-system stuff going on, right now.

So, what happened? Did I get the flu? A cold? Did I watch a class full of slobbery toy-sharing toddlers? No, I got glutened.

At least, I think that's what happened. All the symptoms fit. Also, I've been under tremendous stress, lately. A close family member was diagnosed with cancer.

Did I mention that I've started walking? Yeah, about an hour each time I go out. I'm averaging about three times a week, right now.

Increased sunshine + emotional stress + glutening = cold sore. Oh, yeah, it was bound to happen.

I think that having your immune system max out in response to gluten is a good way to reduce your immunity to other pathogens and antigens.

What have I been doing about it?

1. I made homemade Baby Bell lip balm. It's quick. It's fun. It feels ssssssssssssssooooooooooooo good.

2. Oh, right, I put my Clean&Clear moisturizer on it. OWWWW! But a good hurt. I think. It had that warm, sort of medicated lip balm feeling.

3. I put salt on it. Yeah, just table salt. No, it didn't hurt.

4. I started taking L-Lysine, an amino acid that we must get from our diets, as we can't make it ourselves, like we can most of the other amino acids our cells use. 1000mg, three times a day.

5. I slept when I felt like it. hahahahahaha! I got lucky, though, because I didn't have to be anywhere, much, this weekend.

6. I made sure to eat well.

7. I hydrated, as much as possible.

8. I mixed my homemade lip balm with vaseline. Any time I put on the lip balm, it begins to weep. :(

9. I've been taking a multivitamin, which I have not stopped. Since I think iron may be one of the hardest minerals for me to keep in adequate supply, I supplement half of a vitamin containing iron and half containing the other vitamin, which I think has better bioavailability.

Abreva lists the stages of a cold sore, here:

Mine isn't sticking to that timeline. I'm a full 2.5 days early, by the Abreva page. My disclaimer is that it came on very suddenly (tingle to blister stage by late Friday), so this one may be preceding faster than usual, just because of that. I have no proof that anything I've done or am doing is making it heal any faster. In fact, these tingles in my face and swollen lymph nodes tell me I'd better tread carefully.

Okay, time for a snooze.

Regina G.

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