Thursday, June 26, 2014

Fluffy, Dairy Free, Gum Free, No-Grit Gluten Free Pancakes

It seems every Gluten Free blogger has their own pancakes. The fact is, they seem to be the easiest place to start, and besides, how many people do you know that don't love pancakes?!

I never thought I would end up in the Dairy Free crowd, and to be honest, I'm not entirely Dairy Free, right now. I've gone back and forth with having milk, no milk, milk, no milk. But I think I'm going to start easing out of the milk, cheese, and other dairy products. This is for health reasons, and hopefully, a good effect is that I'll lose some more weight.

Yes, I know, pancakes aren't the best thing for weight loss, but if the amount of satisfaction I got out of eating these is any indication, they MIGHT just count toward foods that reduce appetite! They have a bit more fiber than the other pancakes I've made in the past.

I've tried millet pancakes, buckwheat pancakes, sorghum pancakes, and now, I think I have my favorites! My girls loved them, too. My son may be the pickiest eater, so we'll have to see how he likes them.

I hope you have an all-purpose GF blend on hand. If not, mix this up, first. You'll need at least 1 cup of the mixture:

So, here is the recipe, and how-to.

Fluffy, Dairy Free, Gum Free, No-Grit Gluten Free Pancakes

1 cup all-purpose rice flour blend
1/2 cup sorghum flour
1/2 cup ground flax
4 t. baking powder
3/8 t salt
2 beaten eggs
1 cup milk, divided into 1/2 and 1/4 cups
1/2 cup + 2 T piping hot water
1/4 cup cooking oil
2 T sugar

  1. Begin heating the water. It does not need to be boiling, but it does need to be very hot.
  2. Measure out and blend together the sorghum flour and ground flax seed into a medium mixing bowl.
  3. When the water is very hot or boiling, measure and pour into the sorghum-flax mixture. Cover and allow to stand for about 5 minutes. You may want to turn your skillet on. I find the best results by using medium-low heat.
  4. Meanwhile, mix together the GF all-purpose blend, baking powder and salt.
  5. Beat the eggs, add 1/2 c of the milk, and the oil.
  6. To the sorghum mixture, add the dry ingredients, mixing as well as possible, then the wet ingredients, and blend well. Add a little more milk, as needed, by 1/8 cupfuls, until desired consistency is reached. These do not need to be slightly lumpy. They'll cook up fine, even if smooth.
  7. Check the skillet for readiness by dropping a little water on it and seeing if the water skitters and boils off. Pour by 1/4 cupfuls or desired size.

Tip: Flip when the pancake is bubbly on the top and dry around the edges.

Note: I encourage you to try these just as written, unless you have an allergy that precludes that. There is no vanilla, partly because I forgot, but they also didn't end up needing it. I think the sugar is optional, too. There is plenty of room for individuality without changing the recipe. After the first go, if you want, make your modifications. :) I loved these, as-is, with some margarine (non-trans-fat, still not the best, I know) and syrup.

PS. I don't have the best camera right now, so if you take a picture and would like to donate it to my page until I get my own, I will publish it and give YOU the credit. If you want to do this, please make sure you make them EXACTLY and that they are the prettiest of the batch. ^_^

Update: These reheat nicely! I wrapped them in aluminum foil and put them in the oven for a few minutes. They came out piping hot and not the least bit rubbery!

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